Paid Work Beyond Retirement Age in International Perspective.


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11.04.2013 – 12.04.2013
Veranstaltungsort: Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Lehmkuhlenbusch 4, 27753 Delmenhorst
Uhrzeit: 09:30 – 14:30

Ansprechpartner/in: Dr. Simone Scherger
Organisation: Dipl.-Soz. Anna Hokema, Dipl.-Soz. Thomas Lux, Steffen Hagemann
Veranstalter: Zentrum für Sozialpolitik der Universität Bremen und Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg
Anmeldung bis: 15. März 2013
Registration and further information: please contact
Lunch, coffee and dinner are included in the registration fee of around € 50,- (please note: without prior registration, participation will not be possible).

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The symposium will bring together academic contributors from Germany, the UK, other European countries and the US to explore paid work beyond retirement age in a comparative perspective, asking who works beyond retirement age and why. In addition to a number of country studies, speakers will engage with the institutional context of pensions systems and labour markets, and the debates surrounding their reform. A third focus of the symposium will be the consequences of the shifting boundaries between work and retirement for (old) age and ageing.

The keynote lecture will be given by Victor Marshall (University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill), further speakers include Karen Anderson, Björn Halleröd, James Nazroo, Gerhard Naegele and Harald Künemund.

The symposium has been organised by the Emmy Noether Research Group “Paid work beyond retirement age in Germany and the UK” based at the Centre for Social Policy Research at the University of Bremen, in cooperation with and with financial support by the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst.

Quelle:, 07.03.2013