Wanted: New Employer Thinking for an Older Workplace


am von .

„An older workforce is a new world for employers. An endless supply of young workers and the social construction of ‘retirement ’ kept the average worker age relatively young. That was yesterday. Today many regions of the United States, and in all other industrialized nations, there is a drop in the number of younger people available to employers. Some industries (including government agencies) unable to attract the next generation of professionals, particularly transportation, engineering, utilities, and petro-chemical, are graying faster than others. Beyond specific industries, badly battered retirement savings have encouraged many ‘retirement age’ employees to stay in the workplace. And for many others, work is more than money, it is a means to remain productive, engaged and socially connected.

So what are some of the new challenges older workers pose to employers? I had the pleasure to discuss the new demands of an aging workplace with Tom Joseph, Senior Vice President, Bank of America Merrill Lynch Retirement & Benefit Plan Services.[…]“

Den kompletten Artikel finden Sie hier: http://bigthink.com/ideas/39533, 31.07.2011